Numerous prerequisite assumptions are required before tackling the subject, because, from a spiritual perspective, everything which is human could be considered as an hallucination. On the other hand, from our narrowed human perspective, any sight and/or voice (inner or outer),
any other unusual or unexpected kind of information or experience which could come from the Divine could also be taken as hallucinatory. Anyway, since everything is Divine, and for the sake of clarity, let’s remain, temporarily, on the human perspective.
We should also say that it is not because one doesn’t experience something that such thing doesn’t in fact happen (also is true the contrary.) For instance, animals have a more extended range of their senses than humans do. This prevents humans to hear or see information that animals are naturally and constantly aware of. And possibly also on some subtle levels.
Beforehand, let’s state that “Object” is referred to any information that appears to the consciousness of the “Subject”, through his/her 5 senses. This 5-senses sensorium is called VAKOG (visual, auditory, kinæsthetic, olfactory and gustatory) in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). Although the Chinese tradition considers thoughts as objects, in a more subtle manner, which are caught by a 6 th sense: the mental.
In this article, we will only consider the objects that are seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched.
Any object which can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched, by anyone of us, and by many of us concomitantly, is supposed to be true and real, regardless the circumstances of time, space and other physical parameters.
A hallucination may be positive or negative. A hallucination is positive whenever one experiences, with one or several of the 5 senses, something that doesn’t exist in reality. A hallucination is negative whenever one doesn’t experience, with one or several of the 5 senses, something that does exist in reality. A hallucination is never neutral.
To that extend, the body is also to be taken as an object, because some hallucination may lead us not to anymore sense our body, partly or entirely.
Hallucinations may be provoked by substances that have been taken (such as alcohol or psychotrops), by particular states of mind, mood and/or emotions in the body-mind organism (tiredness, stress, confusion, joy, etc.), by specific levels of consciousness (depression, ecstasy, etc.), by using purposely certain techniques and practices (meditation, concentration, prayer, etc.)
Whatever the circumstances of raising of hallucination are, one should always remain cautious. First in the objective assessment of the experience, due to the possible dangers that the experience may lead one to, such as unexpected reactions or behaviors. Practicing a continuous observation may reduce the dangers.
Secondly because every experience carries within itself the tendency to reproduce. Indeed, once a hallucination has been experienced, the subconscious mind may associate external parameters in which the hallucination has occurred, with the experience itself, to possibly provoke
spontaneously other similar hallucinations when the collection of the parameters is obtained.
Thirdly, one should always remember that, since everything is Divine, anything may exist, be it hallucinatory or not.