First is to reveal the “Purusha Witness” by an insight that will start the conscious path by establishing a
before and
Then, a regular practice could unfold with some following general features:
- How to behave in an innovative way in all acts and fields?
- How to enhance kindness without expecting any return, rather as an empowering invisible tool?
- How to be aware of the power of thoughts?
- How to notice the way thoughts relate to emotions and body?
- How to be curious and allow surprises to happen?
- How to understand to which extend bringing awareness to the moment stretches time and gives the possibility to welcome a wider range of information?
- How to be attentive to details that reveal the underlying “Divine Organization”?
- How mood creates reality?
- How to distinguish the different realities (mental or factual)?
- How to practice the 4 pillars of the Re-Programming?
Define how your day will unfold (to be customized) :
- When you wake up, take time to:
- Try to catch anything from your dreams, giving the possibility to recall
- Assess your mood,
eventually correct it (see techniques) and re-affirm your commitment of life as a mantra/prayer
- During the day, be aware of:
- While being spontaneous, distinguish your intuition from your reaction (see technique)
- Give each person you may be in contact with your full attention with neutrality and awareness
- Daily re-programing practice with the 4 pillars
- When going to sleep:
- Assess the quality of the day in neutrality
- Evening prayer for re-programing your subconscious mind
- The unfolding of the spiritual path (sadhana) will endlessly reveal new obstacles and/or
difficulties, while bringing back patterns that we could have thought we are rid of. Thus, one should understand that the raising of difficulties 1/ indicates your advance on your spiritual path 2/ brings the capacity to handle them.